

Let’s lean on each other.

Proud to Do Our Part.

Mile High WorkShop has been so grateful for the opportunity to serve our city by providing face masks to fellow nonprofits. Like us, these nonprofits work with vulnerable populations who need protection and support now more than ever. We are built on the power of community, and we know that the only way we can get through this is by leaning on each other. 

So far, we’ve donated over 4,000 masks to homeless shelters and people-focused nonprofits all over Denver. And our trainees at the shop are sewing more every day.
As you support our family of second chances by buying our recycled material bags, we will continue to do everything we can to give back to communities everywhere. Let’s lean on each other.

A Brighter Tomorrow, and a Safer Today.

We’re happy to help keep you protected. The masks you purchase will help support our continued mission of granting second chances to those that need it.